Monday, October 25, 2010

Life sucks sometimes but we still have to deal with it.

I am so picky about who i date and who i let get close to me that it has turned into a disaster. I might have lost a few amazing people in my life tonight because of how ignorant i am.

One of those amazing people was my best friend. We talked about everything and anything there was to talk about, but thanks to my ignorance and picky lifestyle i might have lost that friendship that i absolutley loved. I guess what it really comes to in the end is that i have serious issues about letting people get close to me. That's what happens when your childhood was not the same as everyone elses, you don't let people get close to you because you don't trust anyone or aything.

LIfe is hard. We all know that, but what counts is how we handle every situation. I did not handle this one very well. I know i have more triles coming my way, but that's alright because I have the Lord to help me. And eventually i will learn to trust people and live a stress free life!! But for now, i am not going to change because some guy decided that he was in love with me and then changed his ways. It doesn't work that way!! I make my own rules and if you don't like them no one is asking you to follow them.

Make you're dreams come true and don't you let any guy or anyone change that!! Your the one that matters the most!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Life is just too short to live in the past!!!

Every day of our lives we have problems, and when those problems accure it seams as if though the end of the world has arrived. But the truth of the matter is, there is no problem unless we let it be one.

There is a new lesson for each one of us to learn every day of our lives. Wether we choose to act upon it or not is entirely up to us, but the concequence that comes with each action cannot be decided by the natural man alone.
Learn while you still have time, learn to love, to be happy, to laugh as loud as you possibly can. Because in the end end it will not matter if you were succesful or not. What will matter is the lives you've blessed. Being happy and loving people can be a blessing to the least of your expectations!!!

That is my moral of the day. Hope everyone has something to learn in their life time and bless someone elses life.! <3